Whether you’re a writer, an artist, photographer, or just love being creative; we’ve all experienced artist’s block. Lucky for us, there are plenty of artistic places in Toronto to spark inspiration. Or just some fun things to do during this pandemic. There isn’t much we can do right now, but these are a few creative spaces in Toronto that you may not have been to or even heard about.
1. Graffitti Alley
Graffiti Alley is located within Toronto’s Fashion District. The corner of Rush Lane and Portland Street is where Graffiti Alley begins. It runs south of Queen Street from Spadina Avenue to Portland Avenue. The art displayed reflects social activism and the Queen Street West city art vibe. The whole alleyway is covered in graffiti so you’re sure to find some inspiration surrounded by that much art. Especially for photography, street style photos would be perfect in this location.
Image from @graffitialleyt.o on Instagram
2. Angel Wings at Calii Love
Street artist Colette Miller created these pair of angel wings located at 367 King Street West. These wings are sure to inspire with the bright teal background and blue ombre wings. Sit by the wings and create your own angel wings. Or if you’re a writer, maybe the angel wings will inspire some ideas on a fantasy world. And if you still have artist’s block, you can at least take a creative Instagram photo standing in front of these wings.
3. Pink Park
Also known as, June Callwood Park, this Pink Park is a cool little park that not many people know about. Go to 636 Fleet Street to find this unusual pop of pink amongst June Callwood Park’s greenery. The park also has amazing greenery if nature is your thing. Great contrasted pictures between the green and pink are sure to come out. Or experiment with contrasting and mixing unusual colors together like the way the pink and green make you feel.
4. Crown Flora Studio
Crown Flora Studio is a gift shop located in Parkdale at 1233 Queen Street West. Catch some LA vibes with this building’s pink walls. The plants that surround the building add some great greenery if you like the outdoors. Browse the outside, but also the inside where there are a variety of plants and flowers.
Photo From @curiocitytoronto on Instagram
5. Twist Gallery Crossing Boundaries Exhibit
The last place you can visit to gain inspiration is at our gallery. Twist Gallery is located on 1100 Queen Street West. You can basically be inspired by travelling to 6 places in one. Travel with the artist in our gallery and find some inspiration. The current exhibit, running from February 2nd to February 26th, is called Crossing Boundaries. The artwork displayed is art inspired by the artist’s trips or a specific time period. Looking through these pieces is sure to spark some inspiration for an art project, writing, or photography. Get to know the 6 artists and more information on their pieces here. And come visit us to get the real feel of having this many different locations surround you.