The Toronto Watercolour Society was founded in 1985 by an enthusiastic group of watercolour artists and their instructor, Margaret Roseman, who envisioned an organization dedicated to their passion. With a common goal in mind, 45 people signed up as members in May of that year and created the first Annual Fall Juried Show in October 1985.
Guests at the Opening Reception for TWS 35th Anniversary Exhibit,“Aquavision”, at Twist Gallery
Now celebrating its 35th year, the organization has earned a reputation throughout Ontario for its continued commitment to its mandate, the quality of its shows and exhibitions, and the excellent work of its member artists. It has 275 engaged members (and many more on a waiting list), including those who are simply interested in watercolours to those with extensive and impressive credentials. For anyone new to watercolours, the Society provides a number of weekend workshops throughout the year with experienced, professional watercolourists.
Opening Reception for TWS 35th Anniversary Exhibit, “Aquavision”
Since Twist Gallery has the honour of hosting this 35th Anniversary Exhibition, we were lucky enough for the opportunity to ask one of the members and co-chair of the Toronto Watercolour Society, Donna Wilson (pictured below), questions to glean her own insights into the majesty of watercolour. Donna has painted with watercolours for many years and has taught watercolours for over 25 years. She has been a member of the Toronto Watercolour Society for over 12 years and presently teaches in Etobicoke.
What first drew you to watercolour as a medium?
“I love watercolour as a medium to express my vision. I was initially drawn to it because of its easy accessibility, clean-up, less toxic and odorless compared to oils, etc. There are no mediums necessary, as all you need is water. You can change a colour’s value by adding more water or using less.”
Why might this be a useful medium for novices and experts alike?
“For artists/students starting out using watercolour as their medium it is relatively less expensive. You don’t need an easel, solvents, panels or stretched canvas. If you like to travel and paint it is the perfect medium. Your supplies are so light and take up little volume. Tom Thomson painted from his canoe using watercolours.”
Donna Wilson (Co-Chair), Margaret Roseman (Director/Founder) and Susan Payne (President) in Twist Gallery for the Opening Reception
What makes watercolour special to you in comparison to other artistic expressions?
“Watercolour is known for its inherent delicacy and elusiveness. The beauty of its quality makes it appear magical. It can’t be totally controlled and manipulated. It is all about finding the balance between control and letting go. It is a spontaneous medium that makes it fascinating and alluring. I love the transparency of watercolour. Unlike oils, for example, watercolours glow from within. Light bounces off the watercolour paper and reflects back up through the pigment. If you were to glaze over a dried yellow layer with a glaze of blue the resultant layer would be green. You can get beautiful, rich colours using glazing or wet-in-wet techniques.”
What does Aquavision mean to you?
“I can not speak for the founders of the Toronto Watercolour Society but I can say for me ‘Aqua’ means water and the combined word ‘Vision’ means using watercolour to express my vision.”
Do you have any pieces in this show that we can share?
“Unfortunately, for the TWS 35th Anniversary Fall Juried Show at the Twist Gallery, I was not able to submit any images due to the timing of the show. I have thoroughly enjoyed, as the TWS Show Co-Chair, being involved in setting it up with the help of Stella, TWS Show Co-Chair and our TWS volunteers. The Twist Gallery space is breathtaking.”