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Jan 1st, 2014


New Order: Contemporary Action Photography
January 2nd to 25th, 2014

Toronto, ON – Twist Gallery is pleased to present “New Order: Contemporary Action Photography,” featuring the photography of Graham Kennedy, Kurt A. Perot, Michael Toole, David Shuken, Taya Cook, Kathy Tzalalis, Michael Pietrocarlo, Sarah Taylor, Alyssa Zacharias, Holden Kelly, Ervan Cunanan, and Martino Daniells.

The art of action photography cultivates a distinct oeuvre drawing from everyday occurrences. It is the ability to exhibit snapshots of our complex world with inexplicably perfected timing, displaying nuanced fragments, personalities and instances that were previously never seen. This refined form of spontaneous observation alters our perception of a former ordinary world, accomplished through the use of each artist’s disparate styles.

In this unique exhibit, 12 action photographers will be showcasing talent that has nothing in common except the medium. The camera holds a ubiquitous presence within such a specialisation of action photography – a third role aside the spectator and the photograph as the means of incorporating the viewer’s varying shades of life into a single succinct image. What will be the outcome of such an exhibit? A display of the dynamic boundaries of the new order of action photography, its compelling subject matter marking a novel perspective on an ordinary world. 

The opening reception will be held on January 9th, 2014 from 6.30pm to 9.30pm.


CONTACT: Nadia Kakridonis – Director // 416-588-2222 //